Dog lovers descended on My Pet Stop in Follingsby Lane, Washington for a Cannine Christmas Party five years ago. Remember this?Dog lovers descended on My Pet Stop in Follingsby Lane, Washington for a Cannine Christmas Party five years ago. Remember this?
Dog lovers descended on My Pet Stop in Follingsby Lane, Washington for a Cannine Christmas Party five years ago. Remember this? | JPIMedia Resell

When your pets made the headlines: Is yours among our selection of 13 Wearside photos?

They’re the creatures we love the most and they have made the headlines regularly over the years.

We have compiled a selection of 13 photos which all show pets which made the news in the Sunderland and County Durham areas.

Is your special pooch in the news, or perhaps your revered rabbit or even that toad you idolised?

To find out more, take a look through our selection.